Alberta Greens

A political Blog by George Read, Leader of the Alberta Greens.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

The start of the Provincial Election
It has been a long run and many of us are very tired. And it is the most difficult when we are tired to talk about hope for the future. But now is the time to talk about hope. We have seen tremendous growth in the party. In Alberta we are polling at 10% of the decided vote. We need to keep talking about hope. People need to know that there is a chance to move ahead to change the political landscape in Canada to make the major parties re-think the way they do politics and the importance they put on Green issues.

More importantly, we need to tell people that this is not over for the Green party. We are not folding up shop at the end of the federal election. We are taking that momentum and we are moving into a provincial election. We are already on the provincial campaign trail. We are already building for the provincial election.

We are here. We are Green. We are not going away!

Sunday, June 20, 2004


We are starting to see the beginnings of Green community in Alberta. We are not like Martin's team or Ralph's team. We are a community of people who beleive and we are working together as a family to pull this thing together. We are not superstars. We are just people who are trying to do the right thing and we are doing it. People are hearing our message. They are beginning to beleive.

They are not believing because we are fancy or high powered. They are not beleiving because we have nice brochures or eloquent candidates. They are beleiving because clean air, pure water and safe food to eat are simply common sense things that we have got to have.

We will keep campaigning until we have acheived the changes that we seek. We are here. We are Green. Get used to it.