Alberta Greens

A political Blog by George Read, Leader of the Alberta Greens.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Alberta Greens Response to Auditor General Report

(Calgary Oct 6th, 2008) “The Auditor General’s report throws Alberta’s whole climate change strategy into question. What a boondoggle! We are going to spend $4.7 billion without knowing whether it’s working or not.” said George Read Leader of the Alberta Greens.

The Oct 2008 Alberta Auditor Generals report states. “To date, we have identified planned provincial spending for climate-change costing about 4.7 billion.” And that, “There is no overall reporting to allow Albertans to know how much is being spent to meet climate change goals.”

“We are on the edge of a recession and we need to be diversifying our options and managing our money well, not spending $4.7 billion on a poorly managed boondoggle,” said Read.

The Alberta Greens have a plan to combat climate change by reducing energy demand by improving our transportation structures that would include high speed rail. The party also plans to move Alberta in to more renewable energy like solar, wind and geothermal. Alberta Greens strategies would see investment in diversifying Alberta’s economy and cost savings for Albertans by encouraging energy efficient technologies.

“Albertans are world leaders in energy. Albertans need leadership that embraces that fact,” said Read.

Additional Reading Calgary Herald


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