Alberta Greens

A political Blog by George Read, Leader of the Alberta Greens.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Almost There

I just finished the run through the federal Medicine Hat riding on Saturday. We were in Brooks, Medicine Hat and Taber. One of the people in Medicine Hat offered to run as a federal candidate. That puts us at 27 out of 28 ridings filled.

I am ecstatic. We are very close to achieving the goal of a full slate of federal candidates for Alberta. The federal election is the first act in a three act play. We will be building the party through the Federal election. We will be consolidating and regrouping right after. Then we will be pushing to make a strong showing in the provincial. Getting 28 candidates for 28 federal ridings puts us in a strong position to push for 83 candidates in the provincial election.

I have begun to take names of people who would like to be provincial candidates. To be a provincial candidate you need to:

1. Be able to vote in Alberta
2. Be a member of the party,
3. Have a $500 deposit,
4. Find 25 signatures from people who live in your riding
5. A chief agent to do your books.

If you are interested please send me an e-mail my contact info is in the top right.

If we can do it in Alberta we can do it anywhere.


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