Alberta Greens

A political Blog by George Read, Leader of the Alberta Greens.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Democratic Deficit
Voter turnout in Canada is at an all time low. Depending on the part of the country you are in 40 to 60 percent of people do not vote. We are in real danger of losing our democracy because only a few people are making the decisions for the rest of us.

Why is voter turnout so low?

I believe voter turnout is low because people are not involved in the political process. I think that people do not identify with the issues that are being argued by the traditional parties. The first-past-the-post (FPTP) system of electing our governments does not accurately translate votes into seats. This can lead to people saying “Why bother? The people I vote for never win.”

Electoral Reform

Groups like Fair Vote Canada are pushing to change the electoral system in Canada. The Green party supports the work of Fair Vote Canada and we believe that a level playing field is necessary for Democracy to be effective.

Grassroots Democracy

If the only time you are involved in Democracy is the 10 seconds you are in the voting booth, that is all the Democracy you are going to get.

People have a negative view of politics and politicians in general. The strange part for me is that we are all political animals. We are all involved in politics whether it is at the office, the church or the local pub. Politics is simply about convincing people that they should agree with your view.

The Green Party believes in grassroots democracy. We believe in taking the political discussion back to regular people. If people are informed if they are interested they will have an opinion. The Political process ends in the polling booth. It begins in discussions with friends and family about what our society should be like. I challenge everyone who reads this to go out this week and have a political discussion about the Green Party. Talk to your neighbours and friends. You can start it by telling them that the Green Party leader has a new Blog or anyway you want.

We will move this thing forward. We are the thin edge of the wedge and the voice of a new tomorrow.



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