Alberta Greens

A political Blog by George Read, Leader of the Alberta Greens.

Friday, February 04, 2005

The revolution moves forward. We are campaigning on two fronts now. We are building the party in Alberta by searching for candidates and preparing to run in the Federal Election. We are also campaigning in BC to support the BC Green Party in the upcoming May 17th provincial election.

This is a huge opportunity for party in Alberta to look over the hill and see what it will be like to campaign in Alberta in 2007. We are also working to develop a strategy to fundraise the money we will need to run in 2007. You can donate to the Alberta 2007 campaign here.

Ralph Klien approved the Grizzly Bear Hunt. Showing again that our conservative government does not understand the threatened state of the Alberta Grizzly Bear population. Grizzly bears can't vote but I can.

George Read


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