Alberta Greens

A political Blog by George Read, Leader of the Alberta Greens.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Federal election
The federal election is off to a flying start. We are at 27 out of 28 candidates registered in the province of Alberta. I myself will be a candidate in the election. I am campaigning to put Green issues on the ballot.

The last week has been hectic but we have seen the difference in the Green Party approach. We have come together as a family to help each other. We have door knocked and put up signs. We are being successful as we have never been successful before and this is only the warm-up.

We will be doing this all again early next year for the provincial election. The provincial election period is only 28 days and we will have to work harder and faster than we have in the federal. I know this seems difficult but we are already planning to do that.

Jim Harris leader of the Federal Green Party points out " A rising tide lifts all ships." The tide is coming in for the Alberta Greens. The boat is starting to float.

Now is the time to get on board if you want to be a provincial candidate please contact me.

George Read


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